AI: Hero or Villain in This Week's Creative Universe? 👀

Your Weekly Roundup of Creative Automation News! âš¡

This week, the spotlight swings wildly between AI's dazzling feats and its eyebrow-raising moves.

From mergers that spell a new dawn for data-driven creativity to Hollywood drama, here is your weekly scoop:

😇 What NOT to worry

  • Rest easy knowing Hollywood's AI takeover isn't ready to script your blockbuster hit—yet!

😢 What TO worry

  • Hiring a human-AI translator… Imagine explaining your complex marketing strategy to a chatbot named Chad who thinks a "conversion rate" is something to do with currency exchange.

  • Brace yourself for major FOMO from skipping ISE 2024's tech-art extravaganza in Barcelona.


OpenAI's Sora just Halted a $800M Studio Expansion

Hollywood's very own Tyler Perry has just hit the brakes on his massive $800 million studio expansion, and it's all thanks to a peek into the future of AI in filmmaking. After getting a glimpse of what video AI technology, like OpenAI's Sora, can do, Perry's taking a moment to think things through. This isn't just about building sets and sound stages anymore; it's about what it means to make movies when AI can play a major role.


Meta Keeps Handing Pink Slips to Team Members, and Marketers Are Not Happy...

As Meta pivots to AI and chatbots, replacing expensive human teams, advertisers are left to adapt or "put up and shut up." It's a harsh reality check: maybe those account teams were more luxury than necessity. With Meta's leaner approach, one thing is super clear: the future of support is automated. Ready or not, the ad world is evolving, pushing marketers towards an AI-driven landscape in all aspects.


RTO+P joins forces with Mod-OP: A Match Made in Marketing Heaven

What happens when a data-driven AI powerhouse like Mod Op partners with the creative genius at Red Tettemer O'Connell + Partners (RTO+P)? Magic (and marketing that lands). As Eric J Bertrand, CEO of Mod Op, highlights, the blend of Mod Op's tech savvy with RTO+P's award-winning creativity is a direct response to the rapidly evolving demands of clients and brands. Who doesn't love to see creativity evolving with the times?


Newsletter Recommendation

Supermedic.aiLet's explore together the future of Health Care, empowered by AI.


ISE 2024: A Tech Bash for the Ages

Celebrating its 20th glow-up, Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2024 turned Barcelona into a tech lover's dream! It was the ultimate blend of a tech expo and an art gala, where the future of creativity and innovation took center stage. This wasn't just any birthday bash; it was the biggest yet, with AI playing the lead role in transforming how we experience art and tech. The highlight? The mesmerizing mapping of Sofia Crespo's 'Structures of Being' on Casa Battló and thought-provoking keynotes from industry luminaries like Oscar-winning director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy.

And that's your scoop for the week in the world of creative automation!

Stay tuned for more breakthroughs and insights as we step into the future👋

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